Caption=Thank you, Terry. We're reporting live, just a few blocks from St. Michael's Medical Center, where apparently terrorists have invaded the ER wing. I've just been told by our News 9 helicopter that SWAT has just entered the building to put an end to the situation.
Caption=Here are the breaking details at this time. An unknown number of heavily armed gunmen stormed into the hospital sometime after 11:30 PM. The police are not telling us too many details. But judging by the number of ambulances from other hospitals heading towards St Michael's, they have a serious situation in there...
Caption=In ongoing news, the stalemate continues at the Old Granite Hotel. To recap this afternoon's events, gunmen claiming to represent a group called America Now invaded the Old Granite, and kidnapped the heir to real estate baron James Bettencourt's empire.
Caption=The Old Granite is a local landmark, having been owned by the same family for nearly a hundred years until impending backruptcy forced the Jiarmin clan to sell the hotel to the Bettencourt trust...
Caption=TOC to entry team. We managed to access surveillance from a nearby storefront. Four of our targets were carrying large packages. Proceed as planned. Bomb Squad is on the way.
Caption=That's right Lisa. According to Police another female body was discovered this morning. It is believed that this young woman is also a victim of the so-called "Law School Lyncher." According to our sources the Police are completely stumped and have no leads at this time.
Caption=I would just like to say...Melinda, if you can hear me, honey...I love you very much. And I'd like to say to whoever took her...I beg you, please, please bring my daughter back...Please..Please...
Caption=That was the mother of Melinda Kline, an apparent victim of the so-called "Law School Lyncher". Police have no leads as to the whereabouts of Melinda Kline at this time. (beat) And now a check on the weather...
Caption=Welcome to the Riverside Training Facility. I'm Lieutenant Sonny Bonds. I'll be observing your practice run from the catwalks, and giving you a few pointers about our procedures. I'm sure you've heard all of this before, but it never hurts to practice one more time.
Caption=As you know, training is what gives SWAT the edge in the field. Take advantage of this facility to test out your weapons, and meet your new team. When you are ready to start, just go through the door to the right of the chalkboard.
Caption=Flashbangs are designed to disorient people with a very loud bang and an extremely bright flash. If you don't look away from the detonation, you can get blinded too.
Caption=CS gas causes people's eyes to water and affects their breathing. Makes it difficult for them to do anything other than cough for a short period of time.
Caption=We have multiple tools for handling a locked door. The first is picking it -- good when you want your entry to an area to be quiet. Pull out your toolkit, and use it to pick the lock.
Caption=Ok, we're goin' all out on this one. Pull out your C2 charge and let's blow this thing open. C2 is great for opening doors quickly and surprising the perps on the other side.
Caption=We are a life saving organization. We don't want to kill people. Sometimes the knuckleheads give you no choice, but our goal is to have a peaceful resolution of the situation. The best solution is one in which you don't have to fire your weapon. So, the first thing you need to do when you see anyone is to get them on the ground. Yell as loud as you can to get them to comply.
Caption=This is the firing range. Firearm proficiency is a top priority for any SWAT officer, but never forget that SWAT is a life saving organization. You are only authorized to fire in defense of life.
Caption=Step up to the station on the far left and take a few shots at the targets. You should practice aiming for the center of mass. Hitting a suspect in the chest has the best chance of stopping him cold.
Caption=You are authorized to take down anyone who is aiming a weapon at you or another person, but remember -- you should fire your weapon only in defense of life. If a subject hasn't given up, but isn't threatening anyone, use your other options. You can hit them with the less lethal shotgun, zap them with the taser, pepper spray them, or use one of your grenades. That will give even the biggest knucklehead second thoughts about resisting.
Caption=Now that Hanson has given up, you need to restrain him. At an incident scene, you will need to restrain everyone you find, since you can never be 100% sure who is a victim and who is a perp.
Caption=If you're going to lead a tactical element, you'd better start working with them. The team is in the room to the right. Order them to Fall In, and let's see how you work together.
Caption=Alright. Behind these tires there's an open doorway. It's often best to scout out a room from a safe distance. Back in the day we used a mirror-on-a-stick -- simple, but effective. Nowadays there's a high tech gadget for everything. For corners and open doors, we have the Optiwand. The Optiwand's a tiny camera at the end of telescoping tube. You can even use it to peer under a closed door to scope out a room before you enter it.
Caption=Use the Optiwand on this doorway to scout out what's ahead. You should be able to stand on your side of the door and stick the wand through the doorway without entering the room.
Caption=Command the Blue Team to stack up on the door at the end of the hallway. That way, they can cover your back while you and the Red Team move to the door on the left.
Caption=Whoa! That one was wild. Make sure you are firing from a solid shooting platform. Remember that any shot that misses the target in the field might strike an innocent civilian.
Caption=Ok. You can keep tabs on your officers when you are seperated from them by observing their movements through their helmet cameras. Check out what Blue is seeing right now. When you are ready, move into the next room and then we'll start getting fancy.
Caption=Since you can essentially see through their eyes, it's not hard to command them from a distance. Tell the blue team to open and clear through the door they are covering.
Caption=One of the most valuable members of your team is the sniper. During the course of a mission, they will provide valuable intel and can even take out a bad guy without the team ever getting in harm's way.
Caption=The snipers will tell you when they see anything of interest. You can switch to the sniper's point of view just like you can with your team mates.
Caption=Well, that's it for the refresher course I had planned for you. Just the highlights, of course, but you'll be able to handle things from here on out. When you're ready for active duty, just use that door to leave. Otherwise, go ahead and roam about on your own, or continue training with the team.
Caption=Your pistol is your backup weapon, usually used when you are in a bind or don't have time to reload. At this range, pistols and shotguns become less accurate and it's often best to use a submachine gun or an assault rifle. Equip your primary weapon and take some shots at this mid range target.
Caption=Submachine guns and rifles have multiple firing modes, ranging from single shot to full automatic. The M4 fires in semi and full-auto modes, while the submachine gun has semi-auto and a 3 round burst.
Caption=At long range accuracy becomes imperative. Your abiity to control your weapon with skill and discipline will save your life, and the lives of the people around you. If you set the M4 on full auto, you will quickly lose control of it due to recoil. Give a try now: set your M4 to full auto, and try to fire several short, controlled bursts.
Caption=Not bad. Remember, you are most accurate when you have a strong and stable firing position. When you try to move and shoot, your accuracy is going to suffer. The faster you move, the worse your aim will be. Your accuracy will be highest when you are standing still and crouching.
Caption=This portion of the range is for firing at multiple targets behind cover. Try moving and firing at them to get a sense of just how movements affect your accuracy.
Caption=When you must move and fire, keep in mind that moving smoothly, at a constant speed will give you better control over your weapon. Remember, smooth is fast; Smooth is accurate.
Caption=Welcome to the grenade range. Practice throwing your non-lethal grenades for a while. You can test your accuracy by throwing them through the windows on the structure. You can also test their effectiveness by throwing them at Cadet Wilson. Wilson has "volunteered" to experience precisely how non-lethals affect suspects in the field.
Caption=We were dancing, everything was fine, the band was great ... then someone started shouting ... and then they were pulling out guns! It all happened so fast....
Caption=You think you can come in here an' just bully me? Well, I got friends down at the Advocate's office... you better have a good reason for this... I ain't just any homeless lady!
Caption=I never thought this could happen... I mean all the security, the guards, the cameras. They still came crashing in here, shooting like madmen, I mean it was insane.